
发布日期:2024-03-23 13:33:45 | 点击数:


刘贵珊,教授/博士/博硕士生导师,研究方向肉品科学与技术。国家农产品加工产业科技创新联盟-预制菜专业委员会执行专家,中国预制菜产业联盟专家委员会专家,宁夏回族自治区科技创新领军人才,中国畜产品加工学会理事,宁夏食品科学技术协会理事,《光谱学与光谱分析》(SCI收录)青年编委,《保鲜与加工》第五届编委会委员、国家自然科学基金函评专家,宁夏重点研发计划项目评审专家。特色农产品贮运保鲜技术与智能装备柔性引进科技创新团队、宁夏特色农产品冷链关键技术研发人才小高地及宁夏食品质量与安全专家服务站等平台负责人。近5年,累计完成本科生及研究生教学工作量1263学时,教学质量评价成绩96.72分,所在单位排名情况前6.3%。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,省部厅级科研项目6项,在研省部厅级科研项目7项。获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖、广东省科技进步一等奖及宁夏科学进步二等奖奖励3项,以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文79篇,其中SCI收录42篇,ESI高被引1篇,ESI高被引及ESI热点文章1篇,EI 9篇;授权专利2项;出版专著2部。自2012年以来,作为导师培养硕士研究生毕业53人,与中国海洋大学联合指导博士研究生1名(2022年)。18人考入国内外知名高校攻读博士研究生,2人获得国家留学基金委公派留学项目资助,12人获研究生国家奖学金,2人获得宁夏回族自治区优秀硕士论文,2人获批mg4355电子线路研究生创新项目。




2003.09-2006.06, mg4355电子线路,食品科学与工程,硕士

1999.09-2003.06, mg4355电子线路,食品科学与工程,学士
















1. Zhang Y, Liu G, Xie Q, et al. Physicochemical and structural changes of myofibrillar proteins in muscle foods during thawing: Occurrence, consequences, evidence, and implications[J]. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety(IF:15.786), 2023.

2. Zhang Y, Liu G, Xie Q, et al. A comprehensive review of the principles, key factors, application, and assessment of thawing technologies for muscle foods[J]. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety(IF:15.786), 2023, 22(1): 107-134.

3. Xie Q, Liu G, Zhang Y, et al. Development and characterization of a new potato starch/watermelon peel pectin composite film loaded with TiO2 nanoparticles and microencapsulated Lycium barbarum leaf flavonoids and its use in the Tan mutton packaging[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(IF:8.2), 2023, 252: 126532.

4. Jia L, Liu G, He J. Postharvest Biology and Technology Acidic electrolyzed water treatment delays the senescence of ‘Lingwu long’ jujube fruit during cold storage by regulating energy and respiratory metabolism[J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology(IF:7.0), 2023.

5. Wan G, Fan S, Liu G, et al. Fusion of spectra and texture data of hyperspectral imaging for prediction of myoglobin content in nitrite-cured mutton[J]. Food Control(IF:6.652), 2023, 144: 109332.

6. Jia L, Li Y, Liu G, et al. UV-C delays senescence in ‘Lingwu long’jujube fruit by regulating ROS and phenylpropanoid metabolism[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry(IF:5.437), 2023, 194: 383-393.

7. Wu D, Liu G, Jing Y, et al. Hyperspectral imaging combined with deep learning for discrimination of Lingwu long jujube in terms of the time after bruising[J]. Microchemical Journal(IF:4.8), 2023, 194: 109238.

8. Xie Q, Liu G, Zhang Y, et al. Active edible films with plant extracts: A updated review of their types, preparations, reinforcing properties, and applications in muscle foods packaging and preservation[J]. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition(IF:11.208,ESI高被引及ESI热点文章), 2022: 1-23.

9. Zhang J, Ma Y, Liu G, et al. Rapid evaluation of texture parameters of Tan mutton using hyperspectral imaging with optimization algorithms[J]. Food Control(IF:6.652,ESI高被引文章), 2022, 135: 108815.

10. Yuan R, Liu G, Guo M, et al. Detection of early bruises in jujubes based on reflectance, absorbance and Kubelka-Munk spectral data[J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology(IF:6.751), 2022, 185: 111810.

11. Xie Q, Liu G, Zhang Y. Edible films/coatings containing bioactive ingredients with micro/nano encapsulation: A comprehensive review of their fabrications, formulas, multifunctionality and applications in food packaging[J]. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition(IF:11.208), 2022: 1-38.

12. Yin J, Guo M, Liu G, et al. Research Progress in Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer of Fruits and Vegetables During Precooling[J]. Food Engineering Reviews(IF:6.738), 2022, 14(2): 307-327.

13. Zhang J, Liu G, Li Y, et al. Rapid identification of lamb freshness grades using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIR)[J]. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis(IF:4.52), 2022, 111: 104590.

14. Yuan R, Liu G, He J, et al. Classification of Lingwu long jujube internal bruise over time based on visible near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with partial least squares-discriminant analysis[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture(IF:6.757), 2021, 182: 106043.

15. Zhang X, Yi W, Liu G, et al. Colour and chlorophyll level modelling in vacuum-precooled green beans during storage[J]. Journal of Food Engineering(IF:6.203), 2021, 301: 110523.

16. Cheng L, Liu G, He J, et al. Development of a novel quantitative function between spectral value and metmyoglobin content in Tan mutton[J]. Food Chemistry(IF:9.231), 2021, 342: 128351.

17. Fan N, Ma X, Liu G, et al. Rapid determination of TBARS content by hyperspectral imaging for evaluating lipid oxidation in mutton[J]. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis(IF:3.612), 2021, 103: 104110.

18. Cheng L, Liu G, He J, et al. Non-destructive assessment of the myoglobin content of Tan sheep using hyperspectral imaging[J]. Meat science(IF:7.077), 2020, 167: 107988.

19. Wan G, Liu G, He J, et al. Feature wavelength selection and model development for rapid determination of myoglobin content in nitrite-cured mutton using hyperspectral imaging[J]. Journal of Food Engineering(IF:6.203), 2020, 287: 110090.

20. Liu G, Zhang Z, Yang B, et al. Resveratrol attenuates oxidative damage and ameliorates cognitive impairment in the brain of senescence-accelerated mice[J]. Life sciences(IF:5.037), 2012, 91(17-18): 872-877.




